Thursday, April 8, 2010

MMWR Weekly CDC March 20, 2009 / 58(10;256-260)

Guidance for the control of infections with carbapene-resistant or carbapenmase producing enterobacteriaciea in Acute care facilities

CPC infections are currently challenging situtation in health care facilities.
CPC has been associated with high morbidity and mortality, and increased hospital stays therefore increased hospital costs.

Associated with prolonged hospitalizations are those patients who have been exposed to ICU environments, invaisive procedures (ventilators, central intravenous lines, NG tubes).This also increases a patient for a higher risk for HAI.

This is another concern that has developed for antimicrobial resistance. CPC and CRE have develop resistance to most known antibiotics today. An

And there are no first line antibiotics to treat these infections.

Samra Z, Ofir
Lashzinsky, Y
Shapiro, L

outbreak of resistant Klebsiella pneumonia producing KPC-3 in a teriary medical center in Isreal.

Int J Animicrobial Agents 2007; 30:525---9

when the outbreak occured in Insreal they separate out the infected patients.
They had a dedicated floor, equipment, and staff to care for the patients.
Surveillance was done on all the patients in the hospitals. All patients were isolated to a couple of floors.
It took about 2 weeks before the hospital had no new cases of KPC.

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